I’ve been debating a few things in my head while on the treadmill. Cooler city: Austin or Denver? Cooler phase of a musician’s life: Billy Preston during or after the Beatles? More symbolic tree: oak or maple? And don’t even get me started on cover songs. Ok, I will. Tomorrow.
I'd have to say (having gone to college in Houston) that Austin is cooler than Denver. But Boulder is cooler than Austin--it's a weather/scenery thing.
Posted by: Terzah Becker | April 19, 2011 at 02:36 PM
Good point! It's just hard to top the music in Austin, and the bbq, and the bats under the bridge. Bookstore battle equal: Boulder and Bookpeople both amazing! Denver edges out a win there only as Tattered Cover has 3 amazing locations,esp the Colfax theater.
Posted by: Carl | April 20, 2011 at 08:45 AM