Well, announcing that i need more essays! The Great Lakes and Pacific Northwest Readers are out; i'd like the Southeast and New England to be next, but i'll consider any quirky, interesting and personal essay about the state you live in now, or grew up in, or lived in. 1500-2500 words; open to my editing. You must be working in a bookstore or library now. No money in this; just glory and fame. AND, I'm considering a national edition of i can't get enough essays for each state for reg'l editions. Let me know if you're interested. The printing of these books is totally subsidized by Delphinium Books, and the books carry a list of indie stores and addresses in the back.
Still no Midwest? Sigh. I need to email some of my librarian friends and get them to write essays!
Very glad this project is still going though!
Posted by: Terzah | March 16, 2011 at 11:35 AM
I work at the Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver and am definitely interested in writing an essay for this but there's no mention I can see of deadline for submission.... is it too late already? (please respond by email)
Posted by: Lynn Farquhar | April 02, 2011 at 10:17 AM