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My colleague Jean Marie Kelly and I produced a Harper Makes History reading sampler back when, and she's reprising this fun idea at Collins. Check it out.
That's the title of book 3 in a wonderful mystery series set in Ireland, featuring librarian and reluctant sleuth Isreal Armstrong. The series is catching on with readers; check it out.
I think I want the entire day yesterday without hearing the words Michael Phelps or Brett Favre!! (Although I was like a little kid hooting and hollerin' for Favre Saturday night in his first game with the J-E-T-S Jets!)
I watch the Weather channel a fair amount. Love the predictions, so I can plan some things. Also get a kick out of green blobs moving on the radar. BUT, they got WAY too excited - almost happy - about the oncoming Fay this weekend.
I've only seen bits of Mad Men, but geez, it is so good. More friends have mentioned this new show to me in the last few weeks then any other in memory.