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How odd and wonderful to be in Louisville and catch this HBO special: The Leopards Take Manhattan, a wonderfully sweet documentary about some kids, their drums and xylophones, their teacher and a trip to NYC.
My friends at Algonquin have a neat contest for Rock On. "Rock On is, quite simply, one of the funniest books I have ever read!"-Carol Schneck, Schuler Books and Music, Okemos. MI
I'll blog more in the coming days, but just back and head still spinning in the best possible way about all the good info and energy at the Winter Institute mtg. More tk.
From Shelf Awareness: "I was working here when the ballpoint pens came out," Vera Wilson of Roseburg Book & Stationery, Roseburg, Ore., told the News-Review. In fact, Wilson, who is 90, has worked at the shop for 73 years.