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So, another pop qiuz. No googling. Who plays young Scrooge in the 1951 version with Alistair Sim as the elder Scrooge. (Our favorite version by the way, with the Muppets one a close second. The rats doing 'heat wave'? C'mon. A classic movie moment.)
Just out this week is Larry Gonik's Cartoon History of the Modern World. It is VERY engaging and even controversial - it's a Zinn-like take on history. Just out in paperback. Check it out.
Win a CD by author Mike Perry. XM is firing up some great covers this AM. Elvis Costello doing Brilliant Disguise. Leo Kottke doing Sweet Emotion. And Yo La Tengo just did Here Comes my Baby. Who had the hit with that song back in the 60's? And no Googling!