Of interest to bookstore websites? I brought this up at a panel at the recent MPIBA trade show.
One of my online pet peeves is lousy Contact Us info at corporate websites, i.e. some general mailbox and you never hear back about your complaint. But when it’s done right, I’m fan for life.
I recently emailed WFUV here in NYC about a great song I’d heard in the car one night and couldn’t get the song title. I went online the next day, got the email of the programming director, and get an answer back in one hour! Better yet, I had to do the “it was on the radio and had the word blue in the title” thing that booksellers get all the time! I said the song had a great guitar riff, aired right after 9 PM, was followed by a song that started ‘doo ta doo ta doo.’ I’m not kidding. She got me the answer, and I’m a fan for life.
In this electronic age, the individual touch is more important than ever.