Hee Haw had to be one of my least favorite tv shows of all time, but still, Buck Owens' passing was sad. And I didn't know that he penned Act Naturally. And me, a self-appointed Beatles expert. I need to get back and reread the compulsively readable Hard Day's Write - the story behind every song the Beatles wrote. I'll send out a copy to any interested parties..while supplies last, as they say.
Hey Carl,
I'd love to see one of these. My 9-year-old son is going through his inevitable Beatles-obsession phase. The whole "Paul is Dead" conspiracy holds much intrigue for him - if only I could find a way to play an MP3 of Revolution N. 9 backwards I know he's find all sorts of clues!
Posted by: Wyn Morris | March 28, 2006 at 02:31 PM
I'd love to check out a copy. I'll even spin my lp of Revolution No.9(on my white vinyl version of White Album) backwards on my turntable, tape it and send it to Wyn, if it helps. Wyn's the only guy in town I know who has more LP's than me(if he's still got em).
ps Carl, how bout a contest for coolest album cover? Mine's a Jefferson Airplave cover, that you can fold into a 3-D cigar box, which when you pull out the album sleeve(picture of cigars) reveals a secret stash.
Posted by: steve t | March 29, 2006 at 12:27 AM
If there are any copies left, I would be happy to receive one. The B's have shaped the sound of music for many generations (in my case, a boomer with Medicare).
Posted by: Larry Rood | March 29, 2006 at 03:26 PM
Gee, I'd love a copy too.Even if I have to point out that, although Buck was the first to make the song a hit,it was composed by Johnny Russell with lyrics by Vonie Morrison (Van's brother?).
Posted by: DanD. | March 29, 2006 at 07:56 PM