I just don't like Acknowledgments at the beginning of books. I want to get to the book itself soonest, and I just feel it's something that should be done at the end. Take your bows and blow kisses after the play, please. (And in the case of a great book, acknowledgments ease the post-partum letdown, soften the return to earth.)
I've come to agree. I used to put the acknowledgments page in the front of my books, as that's what I was used to seeing--but for my new book, I put it in the back--it just seemed ridiculous to clutter the front of the book with information, when the real point is the book itself.
Posted by: Jane Hirshfield | January 20, 2006 at 02:59 PM
My pet peeve is when author's photos are displayed too prominently; somehow, seeing the writer's face before I'm done reading disturbs the suspension of disbelief for me. I guess I prefer to believe that a good book erupted from the earth fully formed, rather than knowing it came from a fallible human being.
Posted by: Meg | January 27, 2006 at 04:29 PM
It breaks my heart a little to see the acknowledgments at the back of a book. It strikes me as dismissive.
Given my druthers, I'll always put my acknowledgments up front so the people who helped me know how much they matter.
Posted by: Ellen Meister | February 25, 2006 at 04:57 PM
My book pet peeve is when the back covers of trade paperbacks don't offer a description but just have review excerpts, which most of the time don't really give you a good idea of what the book's actually about. I'd like to know who thought that up and give them a good wallop.
Posted by: Lesley | April 21, 2006 at 01:44 PM
Agree! It's a thank-you and belongs at the end. It seems self-indulgent at the beginning and not about the reader. Love, L
Posted by: Lisa Scottoline | March 11, 2007 at 08:21 PM